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Zpět na přehled | Eurol Hykrol EXL ISO-VG 32

Eurol Hykrol EXL ISO-VG 32

Art. E108839-210L
Energy saving hydraulic oil
Eurol Hykrol EXL ISO-VG 32 is an energy saving, ashless and zinc free hydraulic oil based on a shear stable VI-improver. Because the VI-improver is shear stable and remains stable, the viscosity shall not decrease over time.
Because of the high viscosity index, Eurol Hykrol EXL ISO-VG 32 can be used at lower as well as higher temperatures. At lower temperatures, the viscosity is relatively low, this results in an increased mechanical efficiency. At higher temperatures, the Eurol Hykrol EXL ISO-VG 32 has enough body to be pumped, preventing the oil from leaking back into the pump (or bypass) so that, in essence, the oil does not need to be re-pumped.
The energy saving property of Eurol Hykrol EXL ISO-VG 32 is most significant at extremely high working pressures and relatively high temperatures of the hydraulic system.
The carefully selected combination of base oils and additives in the Eurol Hykrol EXL ISO-VG 32 provide an extremely long lifetime and an excellent oxidation stability. Furthermore, Eurol Hykrol EXL ISO-VG 32 ensures an excellent protection against wear, corrosion and deposits.

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Zobrazit prodejní místa Kontaktujte nás
Eurol Hykrol EXL ISO-VG 32
Color kleurloos tot lichtgeel
Density at 20°C 0.84
Pour point -48 celsius
Flash Point 229 celsius
Viscosity Index 200
Viscosity, kinematic at 40°C 31.4
Viscosity, kinematic at 100°C 7.1
Viscosity Description ISO-VG 32
Úroveň výkonu DIN 51524/3 (HVLP) | ISO 6743/4: HV | ISO 11158: HV | US Steel 126/127/136 | SS 155434 | SEB 181 222 | Cincinnati Machine P-68 | Denison HF-0/HF-1/HF-2 | Bosch Rexroth RE 90220 | AFNOR NF E 48-603 HL | Vickers 35VQ25A