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Zpět na přehled | Eurol Swift Clean 300

Eurol Swift Clean 300

Art. S007122-20L
Concentrated, multifunctional waterbased industrial cleaner
Eurol Swift Clean 300 is a highly concentrated, biodegradable multifunctional cleaner. It is very effective, also when highly diluted with water, so it can be used very economically. For easy cleaning of machines, vehicles, floors, bathrooms and sanitary facilities. Very effective as multifunctional cleaner in the food industry. Has antibacterial properties.
Eurol Swift Clean 300 is InS A1 / NSF A1 certified, making it suitable for usage in the food industry, pharmaceutical industry, food service and agriculture.

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Speciální maziva
Eurol Swift Clean 300
Color Blauw
Density at 20°C 1.035
Melting point 0 celsius
PH 13