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Tilbage til oversigt | Eurol Sportbike 5W-40

Eurol Sportbike 5W-40

Art. E100102-1L
Fully synthetic motor oil for 4-stroke motorcycles
Eurol Sportbike 5W-40 Fullsyn is a fully synthetic engine oil and contains a dedicated ester technology to provide extra protection against wear, deposits, sludge and oxidation under all conditions. This oil can also be used in motorcycle transmissions where an API SF, SG, SH, SJ, SL, SM or SN oil is prescribed.
Eurol Sportbike 5W-40 Fullsyn is suitable for touring, racing, as well as for cross applications, under all conditions.
Eurol Sportbike 5W-40 Fullsyn offers an excellent protection against wear, deposits, sludge and oxidation. Even under the most severe operating conditions air-absorption and foam building are minimised. Eurol Sportbike 5W-40 Fullsyn has a very low volatility by which oil thickening and oil consumption are reduced to a minimum. Due to the special formulation, this oil offers excellent protection to gearboxes and wet disc clutches.
Even under the extreme conditions in gearboxes, the selected oil thickener will hardly break down so that at high temperatures the viscosity stays in grade to guarantee a solid lubricant film.
At low temperatures Eurol Sportbike 5W-40 Fullsyn and 5W-50 rapidly provide a solid lubricant film for an optimum protection of the engine at cold starts.


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Se salgssteder Kontakt os
Eurol Sportbike 5W-40
Composition description Volsynthetisch
Content (volume) 1 liter
Color bruin
Density at 20°C 0.848
Pour point -45 celsius
Flash Point 201 celsius
Sulfated Ash 0.7
Viscosity Index 172
Viscosity, dynamic (CCS) 6200
Viscosity, kinematic at 40°C 88.4
Viscosity, kinematic at 100°C 14.6
Viscosity Description 5W-40
Ydeevneniveau API SN | API SM | API SL | JASO MA | JASO MA2