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Tilbage til oversigt | Eurol MPG EP 80W90 GL4

Eurol MPG EP 80W90 GL4

Art. E110605-1L
Mineral transmission oil for manual gearboxes
Eurol MPG SAE 80W-90 GL4 is formulated from paraffinic base stocks and additives, including EP (Extreme Pressure) additives according to the phosphor/sulphur technology.
Eurol MPG SAE 80W-90 GL4 is recommended for many types of manual gearboxes and final drives in passenger cars, buses and commercial vehicles and for which an API GL-4 transmission oil is prescribed.
Eurol MPG SAE 80W-90 GL4 also contains additives preventing from corrosion, oxidation and foam building. By this a smooth shifting is guaranteed for a long time. Furthermore, the MPG SAE 80W-90 GL4 has an excellent low temperature fluidity.
Seals are not affected by the Eurol MPG SAE 80W-90 GL4 and the product prevents from undesired deposits.


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Se salgssteder Kontakt os
Eurol MPG EP 80W90 GL4
Composition description Mineraal
Color bruin
Density at 20°C 0.8831
Pour point -30 celsius
Flash Point 232 celsius
Viscosity Index 98
Viscosity Description 80W-90
Ydeevneniveau API GL-4 | MIL-L-2105