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Tilbage til oversigt | Eurol Contact Cleaner Spray 400ML

Eurol Contact Cleaner Spray 400ML

Art. E701465
Rapid cleaning of electrical components and other precision parts
Eurol Contact Cleaner Spray is a powerful solvent cleaner for cleaning and degreasing of electrical components and other precision metal parts, like sensors, relays, printboards, etc.
Contact Cleaner is composed of inert and pure solvents so it has no affect plastics and metals.
Eurol Contact Cleaner is water resistant and moisture repellent and can be used by starting problems caused by moisture.Eurol Contact Cleaner Spray should be properly shaken before use. Atomize the product over the products you wish to clean and allow the product to soak.
Only use Eurol Contact Cleaner Spray in well-ventilated places.
Eurol Contact Cleaner Spray is extremely flammable and therefore not suited for use on components generating heat.
Eurol Contact Cleaner Spray keeps for 3 years in an unopened can, when stored in a cool and dry place at temperatures between +5°C and +25°C.


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Eurol Contact Cleaner Spray 400ML
Color Kleurloos.
Flash Point -20 celsius
Melting point -20 celsius