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Tilbage til oversigt | Eurol Diesel Injection Cleaner

Eurol Diesel Injection Cleaner

Art. E802492-250ML
Diesel additive to clean and protect diesel injectors
Eurol Diesel Injection Cleaner consists of concentrated deposit control components that work to dissolve and remove harmful deposits from the fuel injectors, including carbon, varnish and gum deposits. All diesel injectors get carbon deposits over time, eventually affecting spray patterns and atomisation leading to inefficient and incomplete combustion. The fuel injectors can get clogged up and the car can use more fuel than normally. The car feels less responsive and the mileage will drop.
Eurol Diesel Injection Cleaner has been especially formulated to unclog dirty fuel injectors and restore overall engine performance. Additional benefits are reviving any lost power and improving acceleration, eliminating rough starts, smoothen rough idling, and reducing emissions through more complete combustion.Eurol Diesel Injection Cleaner is suitable for all naturally aspirated and turbocharged engines.
The 250ml bottle of Eurol Diesel Injection Cleaner is recommended for use from 35L to 65L of fuel. Add the Eurol Diesel Injection Cleaner to the fuel tank before refueling. For optimal results, use every 2.500 km.
The symptoms that many attribute to dirty injectors - loss of power, poor running, increased fuel consumption and exhaust smoke are usually related to issues other than injector deposits.
Users should consult the Material Safety Data Sheet of Eurol Diesel Injection Cleaner for information about storage and shelf life. Please ask Eurol Research & Development if any further information is required.


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Eurol Diesel Injection Cleaner
Color bruin
Density at 20°C 0.8281
Flash Point 62 celsius