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Tilbage til oversigt | Eurol Diesel System Cleaner

Eurol Diesel System Cleaner

Art. E802493-250ML
Diesel additive for maintaining the entire fuel system
Eurol Diesel System Cleaner is an additive formulated to remove deposits from combustion chamber, as well as the rest of the fuel system through the use of carefully selected deposit control components.
Eurol Diesel System Cleaner is recommended for use in areas where the diesel quality is such that you experience a significant fuel efficiency reduction, to keep the engine clean and running properly.
Eurol Diesel System Cleaner is also recommended as a preventative measure against corrosion and condensation in the fuel tank.
The 250ml bottle of Eurol Diesel System Cleaner is recommended for use in 35L to 65L of fuel and let the Eurol Diesel System Cleaner run through the fuel system for up to a few hours to ensure a proper cleaning. Add the Eurol Diesel System Cleaner to the fuel tank before refueling.
For best results, use in two consecutive tanks or every 2.500 km. Shorter use intervals can be maintained with city driving and bumper to bumper traffic (stop and go conditions).
Users should consult the Material Safety Data Sheet of Eurol Diesel System Cleaner for information about storage and shelf life. Please ask Eurol Research & Development if any further information is required.


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Se salgssteder Kontakt os
Eurol Diesel System Cleaner
Color bruin
Density at 20°C 0.8153
Flash Point 62 celsius