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Tilbage til oversigt | Eurol Grease CS-2/502-S Spray 400ML

Eurol Grease CS-2/502-S Spray 400ML

Art. S005121AER
Lubrication grease with dispersed SYNGIS additive
Eurol Grease CS-2/502-S with Eurol SYNGIS Technology is a lubricating grease with a high viscosity base oil developed for low speed applications in e.g. the paper, cement and steel industry or for heavy equipment in offshore and shipping
This grease contains a high dose off SYNGIS additve, providing emergency lubrication when required.
Eurol Grease CS-2/502-S is suitable for lubrication of:
• Open and closed bearings
• Cables and chains
• Autoclaves
• Steam valves
• Agricultural and fishing equipment
• Equipment working in extreme environments like (salt) water and high temperatures


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Specialty smøremidler
Eurol Grease CS-2/502-S Spray 400ML
Base oil type Mineraal
Color bruin
Density at 20°C 0.9
Flash Point -20 celsius
NLGI consistency 2
Thickener type Syngis