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Tilbage til oversigt | Eurol Specialty Racing ATF

Eurol Specialty Racing ATF

Art. S099005-4L
High performance automatic transmission fluid for racing applications
Eurol Specialty Racing ATF is a fully synthetic racing automatic transmission fluid based on Eurol SYNGIS Technology. This additive technology ensures high power output and unmatched protection against wear in the most extreme conditions. Developed for competition use. It has been approved for use in automatic transmissions, torque converters and power steering systems. Eurol Specialty Racing ATF has been successfully used in:
• Beast 2020 – Coronel Dakar team
• Riwald Renault C460 Hybrid – MKR Technology Approved and recommended by MKR Technology


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Specialty smøremidler
Eurol Specialty Racing ATF
Color rood
Density at 20°C 0.854
Pour point -39 celsius
Flash Point 174 celsius
Viscosity Index 172
Viscosity, kinematic at 40°C 57.2
Viscosity, kinematic at 100°C 10