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Tilbage til oversigt | Eurol Grease SI-000/502-S BIO

Eurol Grease SI-000/502-S BIO

Art. S005112-18KG
Environmentally friendly wheel flange lubrication / noise reduction
Eurol Grease SI-000/502-S BIO has been specially developed as a biodegradable wheel flange lubricant and as anti squeal agent for wheel / rail contact in train, tram and metro applications. The grease contains a high dose of Eurol Syngis Technology and is highly effective in preventing squeal noise and wear caused by the stick slip phenomenon between rail and wheel. It is capable of withstanding high shock loads and provides excellent anti corrosion and unique anti wear protection.
This extremely water resistant grease does not dry out and has excellent stability in automatic grease lubricators.


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Specialty smøremidler
Eurol Grease SI-000/502-S BIO
Base oil type Synthetisch
Capacity (weight) 18 kilogram
Color Geel
NLGI consistency 000
Thickener type Syngis
Viscosity Description NLGI 000