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Tilbage til oversigt | Eurol Assembly Paste HT/FD

Eurol Assembly Paste HT/FD

Art. S006200-110G
Food grade assembly paste
Eurol Assembly Paste HT/FD with SYNGIS Technology is a high temperature silica gel assembly paste developed for the assembly and easy disassembly of all kinds of machine parts.
Eurol Assembly Paste HT/FD is suitable for treating and sealing of all type of screw, thread and non-thread connections in brakes, exhaust systems, turbo chargers, steel mills, bakery ovens, refineries, cement mills, off-road and agricultural machines, the beverage industry, ship building and repair and the chemical industry.
Eurol Assembly Paste HT/FD is food grade InS H1 / NSF H1 certified, making it suitable for incidental food contact in, among others, the food industry, pharmaceutical industry, food service and agriculture.


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Specialty smøremidler
Eurol Assembly Paste HT/FD
Capacity (weight) 110 gram
Color wit
NLGI consistency 2
Viscosity Description NLGI 2