Zurück zur Übersicht | Eurol Fullsynth. Compr.olie 68

Eurol Fullsynth. Compr.olie 68

Art. E118846-60L
Vollsynthetisches Kompressoröl
Eurol Full Synthetic Compressor oil ISO-VG 68 is based on full synthetic base stocks and has been specially developed for the lubrication of rotating oil cooled compressors (ISO-VG 46 and 68). Including the very critical hydrovane compressors, reciprocating compressors (ISO-VG 100) and vacuum pumps. This oil is applicable in a very broad temperature range (-20 tot 205°C) and has a good thermal and oxidation stability. Eurol Full Synthetic Compressor oil ISO-VG 68 prevents wear and the build-up of sludge and carbon deposits. As a result, the drain intervals can be extended up to eight times the normal service life of conventional compressor oils. Eurol Full Synthetic Compressor oil ISO-VG 68 is zinc free and offers good cooling and sealing abilities and is capable to demulsify water in a rapid way. Due to the limited evaporation of this oil, the oil consumption and the risk of thickening or deposit build-up are minimized.


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Eurol Fullsynth. Compr.olie 68
Farbe Bernsteinfarben
Dichte bei 20°C 0.857
Stockpunt -36 celsius
Flammpunkt 250 celsius
Viskositätsindex 145
Viskosität, kinematisch bei 40°C 68
Viskosität, kinematisch bei 100°C 10.6
Viskositätsbeschreibung ISO-VG 68
Leistungsniveau DIN 51524/2 (HLP) | SAE Ms1003-2 | DIN 51506: VDL | GM LJ