Zurück zur Übersicht | Eurol Hydraulic Tappet Valve
Eurol Hydraulic Tappet Valve
Art. E802321-250ML
Oil additive aimed at reducing hydraulic tappet noise
Eurol Hydraulic Tappet Valve additive is an additive developed to reduce hydraulic tappet valve noise. Eurol Hydraulic Tappet Valve additive is recommended for all engines equipped with hydraulic valve tappets. Eurol Hydraulic Tappet Valve additive increases the lubricant film between moving parts, quieting the movement of the tappets and making the car more comfortable to drive. Oil canals are unblocked and the rattling noise, coming from the valve train, is reduced to a barely audible level after adding Eurol Hydraulic Tappet Valve additive to the engine oil. Based on ashless technology, Eurol Hydraulic Tappet Valve additive is compatible with a wide range of engine oils, both mineral and synthetic based. 250ml of Eurol Hydraulic Tappet Valve additive is suitable for 4 to 6L of engine oil. Add 1 bottle of Eurol Hydraulic Tappet Valve additive to the crankcase and let the engine idle for 10 minutes. Users should consult the Material Safety Data Sheet of Eurol Hydraulic Tappet Valve additive for information about storage and shelf life. Please ask Eurol Research & Development if any further information is required.
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