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Eurol Universal Gear Oil

Art. E126105-350ML
Gearbox oils for most occurring mopeds
Eurol Gearbox Oil is a series of special oils for perfect lubrication of the most occurring mopeds.
Eurol Gearbox oils ensure uncomplicated shifting of straight or bevel geared transmissions.
Eurol Gearbox oils have a high viscosity index, ensuring an optimum protection under both low and high temperature conditions.


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Eurol Universal Gear Oil
Composition description Mineral
Color amber
Density at 20°C 0.875
Pour point -27 celsius
Flash Point 222 celsius
Viscosity Index 98
Performance level DIN 51524/2 (HLP) | U.S. Steel 127 | U.S. Steel 126 | Sperry Vickers I-286-S | AFNOR NF E 48-603 HM | AFNOR NF E 48-603 HL | DIN 51524/1 (HL)
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