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Eurol Degreaser HF Plus

Art. E302110-210L
Degreaser with a high flash point
Eurol Degreaser HF Plus has been formulated from strong acting emulsifiers and solvents with a low evaporation loss.
Eurol Degreaser HF Plus is recommended for rapid deconservation of new cars, cleaning of motor parts, filters, machines, engine rooms, tanks and floors. Furthermore, it can be used for cleaning greasy floors and walls. It will not leave a greasy layer after flushing with water.
Eurol Degreaser HF Plus has to be used indiluted, it has a pleasant smell and is economical. The cleaned parts can be flushed with water. Plastics and rubbers will not be affected during the short contact time. Futhermore, it is safe for all surfaces as the product has a neutral pH-value.
Eurol Degreaser HF Plus evaporates relatively slow and is biodegradable.
The flash point is > 61 °C., so Eurol Degreaser HF Plus is not ADR classified. This is an advantage regarding to the PGS-15 (successor of CRP 15) guideline for storage of dangerous goods: PGS-15 only prescribes more stringent storage requirements if the product would have an ARD classification.


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Eurol Degreaser HF Plus
Color red
Density at 20°C 0.8
Flash Point 64 celsius
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