Eurol Brake Fluid DOT 5 Silicone is a silicone-based brake fluid. The product has a broad temperature range (-55°C up to +260°C) and ensures optimum performance at low temperatures and a low toxicity.
Eurol Brake Fluid DOT 5 Silicone helps to prevent corrosion and provides excellent lubrication to rubber seals and metals. It extends brake system life-cycle and will not affect paints.
Eurol Brake Fluid DOT 5 Silicone can safely be used in hydraulic brake and clutch systems of cars, (racing) motorcycles, Harley Davidson bikes, go-karts, old-timers and in industrial applications.
NB: The old brake fluid has to be drained thoroughly from the system before re-fill.
Eurol Brake Fluid DOT 5 Silicone should never be mixed with other brake fluids.
Eurol Brake Fluid DOT 5 Silicone is not suitable for Citroën cars.
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