Eurol Antifreeze is recommended for all cooling systems of combustion engines (both LPG, gasoline and diesel) and other heat transfer systems like central heating installations. It is a homogeneous, stable product, based on mono-ethylene-glycol and formulated according to European car manufacturers instructions.
Eurol Antifreeze contains additives, protecting against corrosion and foam-building. Due to the high reserve alkalinity, the cooling system has a long-term protection against corrosion.
Eurol Antifreeze offers the best protection when applied in a concentration of 25 up to 50 vol.%. Concentrations above 65 % should be avoided because of a decreasing frost protection.
Eurol Antifreeze is completely safe for rubbers, plastics, metals, aluminum and alloys. The product is free of nitrites, amines and phosphate.
Vol% in water
Frostprotection (°C) : -11
-16 -18 -26 -37
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