November 23, 2021

MKR transfer case

Dakar Rally Truck Eurol Specialty Racing 75W-140 Transfer Case Differentials Hub Reductions
Material savings
Cost savings: €8,800Reduction in wear: 64%
Description of problem

Too much wear on components and too many different oils in use. Also, the life span of the oil has to be at least 6 Dakar Rally stages.

MarketRace & Rally
Lubrication PointTransfer case, differentials, hub reductions
ProductEurol Specialty Racing 75W-140
Article NumberS099004-4L
Product UsageRally truck

Eurol Specialty Racing 75W-140 can be used in the transfer case, differentials and planetary reductions. This is a big advantage during the Dakar Rally in terms of convenience, while reducing the risk of using the wrong oil. The oil lowers friction and therefore temperature, increasing the lifespan of the components as well as the oil itself.

Customer testimonial

Mario Kress, CEO, MKR Technology: “These new oils perform spectacularly. We did not have any mechanical failures, even though we did not change the oil. After a full Dakar Rally, the complete drivetrain looked like new. We saw no signs of wear.”
