October 27, 2023

Prevention of corrosion in car wash conveyor chains

Car Wash Customer Eurol
€1,500 less in maintenance costs.
Material Savings

15% less downtime and 20% more productivity.

Description of the Situation

Modern car washes use alkaline cleaning agents with sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. While these agents are effective at removing dirt, they also have disadvantages. With frequent use, these cleaning agents can damage the conveyor chains and gears of the car wash. The cleaning agents are so strong that they dissolve standard lubricants, leaving the chains and gears unprotected. This leads to corrosion, severe wear, and ultimately to the failure of the car wash.

Lubrication PointConveyor Chains
Used ProductEurol Swift Clean
Eurol Lube PL
Product UsageCar Wash

A solution to this problem is to thoroughly clean the chains with Swiftclean 110 and replace the used hydraulic oil with Eurol Lube PL. This allows for a reduction in the delivery amount and frequency of the central lubrication system by up to 66%. Eurol Lube PL forms a protective layer that prevents contact with the alkaline cleaning agents, thereby preventing corrosion. This results in a reduction of maintenance costs for each car wash by an average of 15% and a decrease in downtime by 20%. Productivity increases by about 20%, leading to a total cost saving of €1,500.