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Eurol Bediga 15W-40

Art. E100125-1L
Mineral motor oil for mixed fleet
Eurol Bediga 15W-40 is an engine oil providing an optimum lubrication for older passenger cars and light loaded commercial vehicles equipped with gasoline, LPG and diesel engines. Eurol Bediga 15W-40 is suitable for turbo charged engines, multi-valve technology and engines with catalytic converters. Eurol Bediga 15W-40 offers excellent wear protection to all engine parts. These parts will also be protected against rust and corrosion. Special deterging additives keep rust particles and soot in dispersion. Eurol Bediga 15W-40 also contains special additives to prevent from oil thickening caused by oxidation at high temperatures. Due to the use of shear stable viscosity index improvers the viscosity will stay in grade, so that also during long drain interval terms, Euro Bediga 15W-40 will continue to provide a strong lubricant film between the moving parts of the engine.

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Eurol Bediga 15W-40
Descripción de la composición Mineral
Contenido (volumen) 1 liter
Color Marrón
Densidad a 20°C 0.866
Punto de fluidez -36 celsius
Punto de inflamación 200 celsius
Ceniza de sulfato 1.6
Índice de viscosidad 143
Viscosidad, dinámica (CCS) 4734
Viscosidad cinemática a 40°C 105.8
Viscosidad cinemática a 100°C 14.7
Descripción de la viscosidad 15W-40
Nivel de rendimiento API SG/CF-4
Recomendaciones de uso MIL-L-2104D | MIL-L-46152
Información sobre el producto
Información de seguridad