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Eurol Eurolube SAE 80W GL1

Art. E110500-1L
Mineral transmission oil for light duty gears with straight- and bevel teeth
Eurolube is blended with solvent refined paraffinic base stocks and anti-wear additives. The product is recommended for light duty gearboxes with straight or bevel teeth. Eurolube has a high viscosity index and a low pour point which guarantees a constant safe operating condition, both at low starting temperatures as well as at high full load temperatures. Seals are not affected by Eurolube. The product has an excellent thermal and oxidation stability, ensuring a long durability. Parts are protected from rust and corrosion.

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Eurol Eurolube SAE 80W GL1
Descripción de la composición Mineral
Color Ambarino
Densidad a 20°C 0.867
Punto de fluidez -27 celsius
Punto de inflamación 265 celsius
Índice de viscosidad 104
Descripción de la viscosidad 80W
Recomendaciones de uso API GL-1
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