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Eurol Delec Fluid 1080 ODR

Art. E302170-210L
Colourless aromatic-free solvent
Eurol Delec Fluid 1080 is a colourless, aromatic-free solvent which is very suitable for degreasing surfaces and parts. Preserving oils, cutting oils, lubricating oils and greases are easily removed by Eurol Delec Fluid 1080 as well as dust, dirt and small (metal) contaminations. Eurol Delec Fluid 1080 can be used in various degreasing processes like spraying, dipping or ultrasonic cleaning. It can easily be removed by compressed air. Because of this, condensation of water has to be avoided. Operating temperatures up to 60 °C are safe. Eurol Delec Fluid 1080 leaves no residue. As long as the fluid is used on metal, it will provide temporary corrosion protection.It is compatible with most metals, plastics and rubbers (except for polystyrene, EPDM and SBR rubber) Eurol Delec Fluid 1080 distinguishes itself by a strong degreasing and cleaning capability, slow evaporation, hardly any smell and temporary corrosion protection. The fluid is relatively safe: it is, by European guidelines, only classified as harmful if swallowed. Limited ventilation will keep vapour concentrations within exposure limits. Moreover, the product has a flash point of >75 °C., so that inflammability complies with the latest regulations for storage and transportation. Eurol Delec Fluid 1080 is a non-emulsifiable product.

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Eurol Delec Fluid 1080 ODR
Color Incoloro
Densidad a 20°C 0.8
Punto de inflamación 79 celsius
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