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Eurol Diesel Test Fluid

Art. E802480-210L
For calibrating fuel pumps and nozzles of diesel engines
Eurol Diesel Test Fluid has been developed for calibrating fuel pumps and nozzles of diesel engines. It is formulated from a mineral oil, a solvent and an anti-corrosion additive. Eurol Diesel Test Fluid is extremely suitable for emergency generator sets. Because of the anti-corrosion properties, treated parts will show an immediate, faultless functioning, even after a one-year storage. Eurol Diesel Test Fluid has an excellent resistance against ageing and has a low foaming tendency. It meets the requirements of injection-appliances manufacturers.When using Eurol Diesel Test Fluid in a test bench, the viscosity will run out of the ISO 4113 standard because of ageing and impurities, after approximately one year. Therefore, it is recommended to change the fluid at least once a year.

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Eurol Diesel Test Fluid
Color Incoloro
Densidad a 20°C 0.82
Punto de fluidez -36 celsius
Punto de inflamación 104 celsius
Nivel de rendimiento Daimler Benz 133 | ISO 4113 | Robert Bosch VS 15665 | SAE J 967D
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