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Eurol Fifth Wheel Grease EP 2

Art. E901475-20KG
Highly adhesive grease for water-exposed greasing points
Eurol Fifth Wheel Grease EP 2 is formulated from highly refined, high viscosity base oils. It has been developed for lubricating points which are exposed to water. This grease surpasses the water-repellent properties of traditional calcium based greases and has the excellent mechanical stability of a lithium based grease. Eurol Fifth Wheel Grease EP 2 offers a good corrosion protection and has excellent EP and anti-wear properties. It has a good pumpability in grease guns and does not affect rubber materials. It surpasses traditional calcium based greases with respect to temperature limits. Eurol Fifth Wheel Grease EP 2 is highly adhesive to metal surfaces and extremely suitable for dish lubrication of trucks.

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Eurol Fifth Wheel Grease EP 2
Aceite base tipo Synthetic
Viscosidad del aceite base 460
Capacidad (peso) 20 kilogram
Color Marrón
Punto de caída 280
Consistencia NLGI 2-3
Tipo de espesante Calcium Lithium
Descripción de la viscosidad NLGI 2
Nivel de rendimiento DIN KP 2.5 N-20 | ISO-L-XBCEB 2-3
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