11 mars 2025


Protection against corrosion of pendant cables 

A crane company experienced severe corrosion issues with the static pendant cables of their mobile tower cranes. As a result, maintenance costs increased, inspections became more complex, and the risk of workplace contamination rose.
Description of the situation

The pendant cables of tower cranes are crucial for the stability of the structure and are continuously exposed to harsh weather conditions. The crane company noticed that the cables were wearing out faster due to corrosion, raising concerns about their reliability and lifespan. This affected both operational efficiency and safety.

Lubrication pointTower crane cables
Used productEurol Lube PL
Article numberS009101
Product typeDry lubricant

During a major maintenance overhaul, the pendant cables were thoroughly cleaned to remove old grease residues and built-up corrosion. Eurol then conducted a test with the customer, using the dry lubricant Eurol Lube PL as a clean alternative to the previously used grease.

To ensure optimal application, Eurol:

  • Determined a suitable application method to ensure the product penetrated deeply into the cables;
  • Provided support for implementing the new lubrication method, ensuring the maintenance team knew how to apply the product correctly;
  • Established an evaluation period in which the product's performance was monitored and adjusted where necessary.

After the test period, it was found that the colorless and transparent lubricant Eurol Lube PL effectively prevents corrosion and significantly simplifies inspection and maintenance. This resulted in improved operational efficiency and a complete transition to Eurol Lube PL for the protection and lubrication of all steel cables.


By extending the lifespan of the cables, reducing maintenance needs, and simplifying inspections, the crane company saved between €5,000 and €10,000 per crane annually. Additionally, maintenance inspections became more efficient, as the cables could be easily checked without time-consuming cleaning.

The cables remain optimally protected against rust and weather influences, contributing to a longer lifespan and reduced wear. Moreover, oil leaks were completely eliminated, keeping both crane components and the work environment clean while significantly reducing environmental impact.