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Eurol Front Fork Oil SAE 10

Art. E107100-1L
Universal fork oils
Eurol Front Fork Oil SAE 10 is blended from carefully selected paraffinic base oils with a low pour point and a high viscosity index. Eurol Front Fork Oil SAE 10 is inhibited with very effective additives, ensuring an exceptional hydraulic springing and shock absorbing action. Scuffing and wear are reduced to a minimum, while a smooth movement is guaranteed. Besides, this oil offers good protection against foam-building and corrosion. Seals are not affected by this product. Eurol Front Fork Oil SAE 10 has a high thermal and oxidation stability and can be applied in a broad temperature range. Due to the stable viscosity index improvers, the viscosity will stay in grade over a very long time.


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Afficher les points de vente Nous contacter
Eurol Front Fork Oil SAE 10
Couleur rouge
Densité à 20°C 0.8622
Point d'écoulement -45 celsius
Point d'éclair 191 celsius
Indice de viscosité 134
Viscosité cinématique à 40°C 32
Viscosité cinématique à 100°C 6.1
Description de la viscosité SAE 10
Informations sur la sécurité
Informations sur le produit