Eurol Altrack 15W-30 STOU is a universal, multi-grade tractor oil (Super Tractor Oil Universal) and is especially developed for application in the engine, transmission and hydraulic system. The product provides a perfect cold start, reduces
friction and keeps the engine clean.
Eurol Altrack 15W-30 STOU can be used all year round in tractors equiped with oil immerged disc brakes (so called 'wet brakes'). Because the oil can be applied in the engine, transmission, hydraulic system and wet brakes, it prevents mistakes in the oil selection and it reduces stock.
Eurol Altrack 15W-30 STOU allows an optimum drain interval for an economic use and maintenance. It provides an uncomplicated exchange of hydraulic equipment.
Eurol Altrack 15W-30 STOU offers a perfect protection against corrosion, oxidation and wear, even under extremely high loads, which occur in transmissions. Deterging and dispersing additives keep the oil and the system clean from pollution and impurities.
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