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Tilbake til oversikt | Eurol Hykrol WB 102

Eurol Hykrol WB 102

Art. E105835-200L
Full Synthetic UTTO
Eurol Hykrol WB 102 is an oil, especially developed for transmissions and hydraulic, oil-cooled brake and clutch systems, of agricultural, home gardening and industrial tractors. Because of the low pour point, this oil is especially suitable for cold climate conditions.
Eurol Hykrol WB 102 has very favourable friction characteristics and therefore is exceptionally suitable for 'wet brake' applications. It prevents from so called 'stick-slip' and the accompanied noise, all year round.
Eurol Hykrol WB 102 is suitable for modern disc brake materials and fulfills the requirements of the Volvo WB 102 specifications. Due to the high shear stability of the product, the viscosity characteristics remain constant for a longer period of time.
Eurol Hykrol WB 102 has strong improved properties with regard to wear, oxidation, corrosion, foam-formation and viscosity properties at low temperatures when compared to regular mineral oil based UTTO products with the same viscosity grade.


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Eurol Hykrol WB 102
Color bruin
Density at 20°C 0.8543
Pour point -42 celsius
Flash Point 219 celsius
Viscosity Index 161
Viscosity, kinematic at 40°C 41.2
Viscosity, kinematic at 100°C 7.8
Viscosity Description ISO-VG 46
Ytelsesnivå API GL-4 | Allison C-4 | ZF TE-ML 03E/05F/06K | Case MS 1207 | Case MS 1206 | CNH MAT 3525 | MF M1145 | MF M1143 | MF M1141 | MF M1135 | Volvo WB 101 | Case MS 1210 | Ford WSS-M2C134-D | John Deere JDM J20A | John Deere JDM J20C | WB 102 | Caterpillar TO-2