Tilbake til oversikt | Eurol Hykrol VHLP ISO 32

Eurol Hykrol VHLP ISO 32

Art. E108800-1L
Mineral hydraulic oil VHLP
Eurol Hykrol VHLP ISO-VG 32 belongs to the so called 'anti-wear' oils which have been developed especially for application in all kinds of hydraulic systems. These oils reduce pump wear to a minimum and contribute to a long equipment lifetime.
Eurol Hykrol VHLP ISO-VG 32 is blended from carefully selected, solvent refined paraffinic base oils and additives. The oils have excellent deterging capabilities and a high thermal and oxidation stability.
Eurol Hykrol VHLP ISO-VG 32 distinguishes itself from Hykrol HLP oils through a much higher viscosity index. Therefore, the viscosity of the oils will 'stay in grade' in outdoor applications and under changing temperature conditions.
Eurol Hykrol VHLP oils offer good protection against wear, corrosion (copper and steel) and rust formation. The well balanced additive technology also offers good protection against foam building and ageing. The products have excellent water demulsifying properties. The presence of small amounts of water will hardly influence the good filterability.


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Eurol Hykrol VHLP ISO 32
Color amberkleurig
Density at 20°C 0.849
Pour point -39 celsius
Flash Point 211 celsius
Viscosity Index 155
Viscosity, kinematic at 40°C 31.6
Viscosity, kinematic at 100°C 6.3
Viscosity Description ISO-VG 32
Ytelsesnivå DIN 51524/3 (HVLP) | U.S. Steel 127 | U.S. Steel 126 | Sperry Vickers I-286-S | AFNOR NF E 48-603 (HV)