Tilbake til oversikt | Eurol HPG 80W-90 GL5

Eurol HPG 80W-90 GL5

Art. E110630-1L
Mineral gear oil for hypoid gears and hub reductions
Eurol HPG Gear Oil is a mineral gear oil, formulated according to the latest phosphor - sulphur technology. This special additive technology assures an excellent protection against metal-to-metal contact of the gears under the most severe operating conditions, even under shock loads.
Eurol HPG Gear Oil contains special additives, leaving a protecting oil film for optimum corrosion protection. Furthermore, the SAE 80W and 85W-140 viscosity grades have an excellent low temperature fluidity for an optimum performance during all seasons.
Eurol HPG Gear Oil shows an excellent oxidation and thermal stability. Seals are not affected by this product.
Eurol HPG Gear Oil is recommended for use in hypoid gears, hub reductions, gearboxes, PTO's and differentials where an API GL-5 , MIL-L 2105-D and Mack GO-G are recommended. The SAE 85W-90 viscosity grade can also be applied where MB 235.0 is prescribed.


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Eurol HPG 80W-90 GL5
Composition description Mineraal
Color bruin
Density at 20°C 0.8833
Pour point -30 celsius
Flash Point 244 celsius
Viscosity Index 100
Viscosity Description 80W-90
Ytelsesnivå API GL-5 | MIL-L-2105 B/C/D
Anbefalt for bruk Mack GO-G