Tilbake til oversikt | Eurol Transfluid STF

Eurol Transfluid STF

Art. E113667-1L
Synthetic transmission oil for gearboxes with shifting problems
Eurol Transfluid STF is a synthetic transmission oil and has especially been developed for difficult shifting manual gearboxes, as well as for automatic transmissions.
Eurol Transfluid STF enables easy shifting under all occurring ambient temperatures and protects against unnecessary friction. Besides the good EP properties, the product also offers fuel saving properties.
Eurol Transfluid STF is safe for all common seal materials. Due to the low pour point and the high viscosity index, the product is applicable in a broad temperature range.
Eurol Transfluid STF contains both corrosion inhibitors, as well as anti-foam and anti-oxidation additives. Because of the excellent oxidation and thermal stability, the oil maintains its tremendous properties. In many cases, also the noise of the gearbox is drastically reduced and shifting is smoothened.
This oil can not be used for applications where an API GL-5 specification is prescribed.


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Eurol Transfluid STF
Composition description Semi-synthetisch
Color bruin
Density at 20°C 0.8559
Pour point -51 celsius
Flash Point 198 celsius
Viscosity Index 191
Viscosity, kinematic at 40°C 40.4
Viscosity, kinematic at 100°C 8.4
Viscosity Description 75W
Ytelsesnivå API GL-4 | MIL-L-2105
Anbefalt for bruk Allison C-4 | ATF LT 71141 | BMW LT-2 | GM Dexron IIIG | GM Dexron IID | MAN 339 Type Z1/V1 & Z2 | DTFR 13B150 (MB 235.4)/DTFR 13B170 (MB 235.5)/MB 235.10 | MB 236.1 - 236.11 | Renault DPO Gearbox | Voith G607/G1363, Renk Doromat | VW G 052 162 | ZF TE ML 03D/04D/05L/09/11A /11B /14B/17C | Caterpillar TO-2