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Powrót do przeglądu | Eurol ATF 6800 ULV

Eurol ATF 6800 ULV

Art. E113671-1L
Full synthetic transmission oil for automatic transmissions requiring ultra low viscosity
Eurol ATF 6800 ULV is a high-quality full synthetic transmission oil, specifically developed for automatic transmissions that require an ultra low viscosity ATF, such as Ford Mercon ULV and GM Dexron ULV. Due to its extremely low viscosity, this oil contributes to significant fuel savings and a reduction in CO2 emissions compared to conventional ATFs.
With a high viscosity index and low pour point, this oil performs effectively across a wide temperature range, ensuring smooth shifting under all operating conditions with minimal friction. The product offers excellent oxidation resistance and high thermal stability, providing optimal wear protection throughout the entire service interval.
The combination of premium synthetic base oils and advanced additives ensures that Eurol ATF 6800 ULV maintains consistent and reliable quality, which is crucial for the long-lasting and efficient operation of transmissions.
• Supports fuel savings and reduces CO2 emissions
• Smooth shifting across a wide temperature range
• Excellent oxidation resistance and thermal stability
• Provides superior wear protection over the entire service interval
For more information, consult the manual or use the product advisor at www.eurol.com for advice on the right transmission oil for your vehicle.


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Zobacz punkty sprzedaży Skontaktuj się
Eurol ATF 6800 ULV
Color Geel
Density at 20°C 0.838
Pour point -54 celsius
Flash Point 210 celsius
Viscosity Index 143
Viscosity, kinematic at 40°C 21.5
Viscosity, kinematic at 100°C 4.7
Zalecany do użycia Aisin Warner AW-2 | BMW 83 22 2 413 477 (ATF 7) | Ford Mercon ULV | Ford XT-12-ULV | GM Dexron ULV | Mazda ATF A7 | MB 236.15/MB 236.16/MB 236.17 | Nissan Matic P | PSA 16 350 560 80 | Volvo 31 492 172/31 492 173 | VW/Audi G 053 001 | VW/Audi G 060 540