Eurol Carbon Neutral DXS 5W-30 is the CO₂-neutral, more sustainable product choice compared to standard ACEA C3 engine oils. This fully synthetic engine oil for petrol engines, diesel engines, and hybrid vehicles is manufactured with more environmentally conscious components and is largely (at least 80%) derived from renewable sources.
Eurol Carbon Neutral DXS 5W-30 guarantees comparable quality and performance to standard recommended engine oils. This makes switching to this sustainable engine oil straightforward.
Eurol Carbon Neutral DXS 5W-30 aligns with programs aimed at CO₂-reduction, including Lean and Green initiatives.
Eurol Carbon Neutral DXS 5W-30 is based on mid SAPS technology and therefore has low levels of sulfated ash, phosphorus, and sulfur. This engine oil is also suitable for cars and light commercial vehicles with catalytic converters, turbochargers, particulate filters, and direct injection.
• Sustainable, environmentally conscious choice
• Widely applicable
• Comparable quality and performance to standard engine oils
• Fits into CO₂-reduction programs
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