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Powrót do przeglądu | Eurol Screenwash Safe Storage -10°C Ready to use

Eurol Screenwash Safe Storage -10°C Ready to use

Art. E502272-20L NAT
Ready-to-use windshield washer fluid with unique properties
Eurol Screenwash Safe Storage is a windshield washer fluid that provides excellent cleaning for car windows and is extremely effective at preventing freezing of the washer system down to -10°C.
What sets Eurol Screenwash Safe Storage apart is its CLP-free, ADR-free, and PGS-free composition. Due to its unique formulation, Eurol Screenwash Safe Storage does not require hazard symbols on its label.
Unlike typical washer fluids based on ethanol, which must be stored in a PGS-15 storage facility under Dutch legislation, Eurol Screenwash Safe Storage contains no ethanol and can be stored anywhere. This offers significant advantages for workshops, warehouses, and stores by eliminating the need for frequent stock movements and reducing logistical challenges.
With a flash point greater than 35°C and non-flammable properties, Eurol Screenwash Safe Storage is also ADR-free.
It features a pleasant scent similar to lemongrass and ensures wipers can smoothly clear glass.
Rubbers, paints, polycarbonates, plastics, and metals remain unaffected by Eurol Screenwash Safe Storage, making it suitable for all washer systems.


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Zobacz punkty sprzedaży Skontaktuj się
Eurol Screenwash Safe Storage -10°C Ready to use
Color Blauw
Density at 20°C 0.977
Flash Point 36 celsius
Frost protection -10 celsius