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Powrót do przeglądu | Eurol E-HD Coolant

Eurol E-HD Coolant

Art. E504300-5L
Maximum efficiency coolant
Eurol E-HD coolant is a premium heat transfer fluid specially developed for use in electrified heavy duty equipment.
Eurol E-HD coolant is formulated to ensure efficient heat transfer and excellent protection of the cooling system.
Eurol E-HD coolant is a safe alternative opposed to traditional engine and system cooling fluids. Eurol E-HD coolant does not contain nitrites, amines, phosphates, silicates, borates, 2-EHA or harmful ethanediol.
Eurol E-HD coolant can be used under severe conditions at very low and very high temperatures. Please consult your Eurol representative for specific application advice.


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Zobacz punkty sprzedaży Skontaktuj się
Eurol E-HD Coolant
Content (volume) 5 liter
Color Paars
Frost protection -30 celsius
PH 8.5