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Powrót do przeglądu | Eurol Bike Shine Protect Spray 400ML

Eurol Bike Shine Protect Spray 400ML

Art. E701305
Shine and protection spray
Eurol Bike Shine Protect Spray is a light, all-round polish for cleaning and polishing of various materials. It contains no abrasives and will not scratch soft materials.
Eurol Bike Shine Protect Spray can be used on varios materials suchs as paint, plastics, rubbers, leather, glass and acrylic. With Eurol Bike Shine Protect Spray the original finish can be obtained.
Eurol Bike Shine Protect Spray quickly removes fingerprints, dust and traffic film and makes the material shine again.
Eurol Bike Shine Protect Spray is water and dirt repellent.
Eurol Bike Shine Protect Spray must be shaked well before use. Spray at approx. 20-25 cm from the object. Apply the desired quantity on a dry surface. Allow to take effect for one minute and polish with a dry, clean cloth.
Eurol Bike Shine Protect Spray only in well ventilated areas. In case of eye contact immediately rinse eyes with plenty of water. Flammable substance.
Eurol Bike Shine Protect Spray has a shelf life of 3 years in an unopened container in a cool and dry place with a temperature range between +5°C and +25°C.


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Eurol Bike Shine Protect Spray 400ML
Color Geel