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Powrót do przeglądu | Eurol Chain Lube Spray Road & Racing 100ML

Eurol Chain Lube Spray Road & Racing 100ML

Art. E701312
High performance chain spray for road- and racing applications
Eurol Chain Lube Spray Road & Racing is a chain spray with Triple-Tech additive technology, especially developed for chains rotating at high revolutions. Eurol Chain Lube Spray Road & Racing has a high resistance to fling-off, providing a long and durable lubrication of the chain.
Eurol Chain Lube Spray Road & Racing has an excellent penetrating ability, ensuring that the pins in the chain, as well as the bushings, receive proper lubrication, allowing for a supple chain, even after being subjected to high loads.
To be able to offer the performance of the Eurol Chain Lube Spray Road & Racing over a longer period of time, the spray has an excellent adherence to the chain. This allows the spray to stay in place, regardless of the weather.
The Eurol Chain Lube Spray Road & Racing provides a protective coating to the outside of the chain, whilst the inside of the chain is lubricated through the use of creeping additives. By applying a coating to the outside of the chain, the chain spray offers corrosion protection, keeping the chain free from rust.
Eurol Chain Lube Spray Road & Racing is available in a sturdy 100 ml aerosol can, convenient to bring on a trip.
To apply the product, clean the chain, apply a thin film of Eurol Chain Lube Spray Road & Racing to the chain and leave to work for 30 minutes. Remove any excess material with a dry cloth.


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Eurol Chain Lube Spray Road & Racing 100ML
Color Bruinachtig
Density at 20°C 0.897