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Powrót do przeglądu | Eurol Silicone Multi Spray 400ML

Eurol Silicone Multi Spray 400ML

Art. E701320
Silicone lubricant
Eurol Silicone spray is a transparent spray with lubricating and anti-adhesive properties based on high quality silicon oil.
Eurol Silicone spray lubricates, protects against wear, rust, corrosion, water repellent and is electrically insulating.
Eurol Silicone spray reduces friction, reduces wear on mechanical parts and is suitable for light lubrication such for metal, plastics and rubbers like hinges, chains and sliding doors. Also prevents dirt and grease deposits and therefore ideal for bike chains and rails.
Eurol Silicone spray forms a water repellent coating and protects electrical wiring from cars, motors and lawn mowers against moisture.
Eurol Silicone spray adds shine to plastics and rubber objects.
Eurol Silicone spray must be shaked well before use. Surface must me cleaned, degreased and dried before use. Spray at approx. 20-25 cm from the object. Aplly in a thin layer.
Eurol Silicone Spray has a shelf life of 3 years in an unopened container in a cool and dry place with a temperature range between +5°C and +25°C.


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Eurol Silicone Multi Spray 400ML
Color Kleurloos