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Powrót do przeglądu | Eurol Calieur Grease EP 0

Eurol Calieur Grease EP 0

Art. E901310-20KG
Good pumpability oil with water repellent properties
Eurol Calieur Grease EP 0 is formulated from a high viscosity base oil and a calcium-lithium thickener. Besides high performance Extreme Pressure additives, it also contains anti-corrosion and anti-wear inhibitors.
Eurol Calieur Grease EP 0 is highly water repellent and has excellent sealing properties against mud and dirt. Moreover, the product is strongly adhering, which ensures perfect lubrication under all circumstances.
Eurol Calieur Grease EP 0 is extremely suitable for high temperature conditions. Due to the long life-time of this grease, it enables extended re-lubrication intervals. Because of the high viscosity base oil, this product is not recommended for high speed bearings.


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Zobacz punkty sprzedaży Skontaktuj się
Eurol Calieur Grease EP 0
Base oil type Mineraal
Viscosity base oil 465
Capacity (weight) 20 kilogram
Color bruin
Drop point 220
NLGI consistency 0
Thickener type Calcium Lithium
Viscosity Description NLGI 0
Poziom wydajności DIN KP0K-20 | DIN KP0K-20 | ISO-L-XBCHB 0