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Powrót do przeglądu | Eurol CL-F Lube

Eurol CL-F Lube

Art. S003200-20L
Lubricant reinforced with a high concentration of SYNGIS Technology
Eurol CL-F Lube with the highest concentration of Eurol SYNGIS Technology provides an unprecedented level of protection against wear. The product is chlorine free and does not contain PTFE, making it extremely suited to replacing lubricants containing chlorinated paraffins or microplastics. Owing to the extreme lubrication properties, it is mainly suitable for the lubrication and protection of:

• Very heavily loaded transport- or drive chains in logistics and production environment

• Open lubrication points such as highly loaded couplings, open gears, bearings and hinges

• Open lubrication points in the metalworking industry


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Zobacz punkty sprzedaży Skontaktuj się
Specialty lubricants
Eurol CL-F Lube
Color bruin
Density at 20°C 0.911
Pour point -36 celsius
Flash Point 60 celsius
Viscosity Index 207
Viscosity, kinematic at 40°C 21.9
Viscosity, kinematic at 100°C 5.5