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Powrót do przeglądu | Eurol Safe Clean Solve

Eurol Safe Clean Solve

Art. S007700-20L
An environmentally friendly cleaning concept
Eurol Safe Clean Solve is more than a cleaner. It is an environmentally friendly cleaning concept. Not only is the cleaner made of renewable, fully biodegradable and non toxic ingredients, also both the packaging and label are completely recyclable and made of the latest generation renewable plastic from vegetable or from 100% recycled source. This makes Eurol Safe Clean Solve a truly sustainable and renewable product of the latest generation. Capable of removing heavy pollution like black grease, oil, tar, bitumen and even asphalt residues, making it the ideal safe cleaner for heavy equipment in shipping, heavy industry, garages, offshore, road building, agriculture etc. It also replaces agressive and expensive cleaners for removing old PFPE grease residues.


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