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Powrót do przeglądu | Eurol Assembly Paste HT/FD

Eurol Assembly Paste HT/FD

Art. S006200-110G
Food grade assembly paste
Eurol Assembly Paste HT/FD with SYNGIS Technology is a high temperature silica gel assembly paste developed for the assembly and easy disassembly of all kinds of machine parts.
Eurol Assembly Paste HT/FD is suitable for treating and sealing of all type of screw, thread and non-thread connections in brakes, exhaust systems, turbo chargers, steel mills, bakery ovens, refineries, cement mills, off-road and agricultural machines, the beverage industry, ship building and repair and the chemical industry.
Eurol Assembly Paste HT/FD is food grade InS H1 / NSF H1 certified, making it suitable for incidental food contact in, among others, the food industry, pharmaceutical industry, food service and agriculture.


Tekst na tej stronie to tłumaczenie AI. Choć dokładamy wszelkich starań, aby tłumaczenia były dokładne i użyteczne, nie możemy zagwarantować, że wszystkie tłumaczenia są bezbłędne lub zawsze oddają właściwy kontekst i niuanse.

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Specialty lubricants
Eurol Assembly Paste HT/FD
Capacity (weight) 110 gram
Color wit
Density at 20°C 1.14
NLGI consistency 2
Viscosity Description NLGI 2