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Powrót do przeglądu | Eurol Specialty Racing CV Joint Grease

Eurol Specialty Racing CV Joint Grease

Art. S099007-400G
High performance CV joint grease for racing applications
Eurol Specialty Racing CV joint grease is a fully synthetic racing CV joint grease based on Eurol SYNGIS Technology. This additive technology ensures high power output and unmatched protection against wear in the most extreme conditions. Developed for competition use. It has been approved for use in both Rzeppa-type joints and tripod joints. Approved for use in both inner and outer CV Joints. Eurol Specialty Racing CV joint grease has been successfully used in:
• BMW F80 M3 Competition endurance racing with JR Motorsport
• WTCR with Comtoyou Racing


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Specialty lubricants
Eurol Specialty Racing CV Joint Grease
Capacity (weight) 400 gram
Color Zwart