28 września 2023

Oszczędność na łożyskach w Polskamp Meat Industry

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Opis sytuacji

Polskamp Meat Industry specjalizuje się w oddzielaniu mięsa drobiowego od kości. Linie produkcyjne pracują przez całą dobę, aby przetwarzać różne części kurczaka na wysokiej jakości półprodukty do dalszej obróbki. Niewłaściwe smarowanie elementów, takich jak taśmy transportowe, zamrażarki i pojemniki opóźniające, może prowadzić do wysokich kosztów napraw i przestojów produkcyjnych.

Punkt smarowaniaPrzenośnik taśmowy

Once a year the bearings of the conveyor belt are preventively replaced. Previously, the bearings were already breaking down before annual maintenance was carried out. Since the use of Eurol Grease CS-2/102 FD this is no longer the case. The bearings last longer.

This was also the case with the freezers at Polskamp. The bearings regularly broke down. Since using Eurol Grease HY-1/101 FD LT, the bearings last longer. This grease was specially developed for extremely low temperatures.

Eurol Grease CS-2/101 FD and HY-1/101 FD are both food grade InS H1 / NSF H1 certified and therefore suitable for incidental food contact in the food industry.

In addition, Polskamp has gearboxes to drive screws. The gearbox previously had a lifetime of up to half a year. Thanks to Eurol BIO Grease SI-000/101-S it will last twice as long and the tray will be replaced preventively once a year.

Customer testimonial

Marrold Pul, Polskamp Technical Services employee: "If a gearbox is in danger of breaking down, we put the Specialty grease in and then the gearbox will last a while. This is not possible with another lubricant. With the BIO Grease, we save on bearings, gearboxes and downtime is prevented!"
