12 de outubro

Bearings for gold course lawnmowers

Caso prático dos rolamentos do carretel de facas da Ridder Cultuur Techniek
The lubrication interval has been extended by 100%, and lubricant usage has decreased by 50%.
Material savings

Protection against crop saps.
Damage to the fairway is no longer an issue.

Description of the situation

In golf courses, five types of lawnmowers are typically used to maintain various grass types and terrains in good condition. However, brown patches began to appear on the fairway that needed reseeding. It was found that the lubricant used in the cutting unit bearings could not withstand the load and the grass saps. The result was contamination on the field and a fairway with bare patches.

Lubrication pointMessenkooilagers
ProductEurol Grease CS-2/103-S
Article numberS005109
Type machineGrasmaaiers

The premium 103 provides excellent protection against crop saps and can handle very heavy loads. Damage to the fairway is no longer an issue. The lubrication interval has been extended by 100%, and lubricant usage has decreased by 50%.