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Eurol Compressor Oil ISO 100

Art. E118855-200L
Ashless mineral compressor oil
Eurol Compressor Oil 100 is an ashless and zinc free mineral compressor oil with anti-wear properties, reducing wear to a minimum. Eurol Compressor Oil 100 has a low pour point, anti-wear characteristics and an excellent oxidation stability, offering a reliable performance of the compressor under all conditions. Water is separated rapidly which prevents filter blocking. Eurol Compressor Oil 100 protects the compressor against corrosion. Moreover, it offers a high resistance against foam building and is safe for seal materials. Eurol Compressor Oil 100 provides a clean performance, prevents carbon deposits and shows low friction characteristics. This product, with a high thermal stability, has a maximum final stage temperature of 220 °C. Eurol Compressor Oil 100 can also be used as an ashless hydraulic oil meeting DIN 51524 part 2 (HLP) specification. Eurol Compressor Oil 100 offers excellent results in both oxidation tests (Pneurop, TOST) as well as in wear tests (4-ball, FZG) and is applicable for heavy duty conditions. Eurol Compressor Oil 100 can be used in mobile and stationary compressors (centrifugal, piston, rotary screw, sliding vane).


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Eurol Compressor Oil ISO 100
Cor âmbar
Densidade a 20°C 0.877
Ponto de fluidez -27 celsius
Ponto de inflamação 250 celsius
Índice de viscosidade 98
Viscosidade, cinemática a 40°C 102
Viscosidade, cinemática a 100°C 11.4
Descrição da viscosidade ISO-VG 100
Nível de desempenho DIN 51524/2 (HLP) | ISO 6743/4: HM | ISO 11158: HM | ISO-L-DAA/DAB/DAG/DAH | DIN 51506: VBL/VCL/VDL
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